This build of the Kampfer Amazing took me around 8 months, on and off, largely because I was still adjusting to the new place and I haven't been able to really establish a dedicated working space for my kit building needs. Moving is hard! Anyway, this was painted with Bosny Spray Paints for the blue, silver, yellow and gray parts while the copper and light blue parts were hand painted using Arkom Acrylics. Weathering was done using water based acrylic for washes, some chalk pastel for dusting as well as Arkom Silver and some black paint for the paint chipping. The Amazing Weapon Binders were glued shut, each with a gun inside. I'm not a fan of them acting as containers and would rather have them as large gun placements. This kit isn't very poseable by today's standards, largely because it is based off the HGUC Kampfer. What it does lack in articulation (specially at the feet), it makes up with it being an overall cool looking mech. Overall this was a fun build. I wish I...