Transformers Legacy Skids

I do not know why but for some reason I like Skids, which is weird because I only got to know the character from the IDW comics and this version of him is very different. I do not have any memory of him from the G1 cartoons nor was I familiar with his classic toy until well into my adulthood.  That being said, there is something about the boxy nature of his alt mode that makes me really want him, specially when the MP version of him came out but since MPs are way beyond what I am willing to spend on a Transformers figure I am really glad that this version of him came out.

Ok, the way they designed the back part of the head is really lazy, I get that. Everything else though is really nice for me. Articulation is great, I like how chonky he is in bot mode and the way both guns combine is a win for me. 

I wish that they'd have managed the price of these figures. Transformers these days are way too expensive. The new voyagers for the movie line costs as much as a Leader Class just 3 years ago. I mean, I understand raising the prices, I get that. But that much? Really? Specially now when there is a very high probability that the figure you'd get would yellow? Hay...

Anyhow, still going to buy TFs but not at the pace I used to. I'd start getting the older ones I missed and maybe just a few of the newer ones. I'd still get BW Inferno and Ravage one of these days, and I really like Pointblank so those 3 are on my list still. 

Till then guys, God bless!


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