
Showing posts from March, 2014

1/144 Age Gundam Normal Part 2

Here's part II of the Gundam Age Normal shoot: I should have uploaded this sooner but I have been swamped with work these past few weeks, as in really swamped with work. I'd say this is the busiest I have been since I started freelancing two years ago. I'm not complaining though. God has been really faithful in this area of my life. He has continued to bless us with work and with really awesome clients to work with.  Yeah, I know, not very Gundam related. But hey, it's what's going on with my life right now. One of the best gigs so far involves me designing and painting an underwater mech and designing a line of shirts to be released in Japan (or US, not quite sure). Hopefully I will be able to share the images here. However, I haven't been able to update my other blog and my folio for the past months. I'm hoping that in the next few days though my schedule will be normal and I'd be able to paint and draw again...

1/144 Age 1 Gundam Part 1

The idea behind this Age 1 was that it was the 2nd prototype before the production version of the Age 1 Normal. It has slightly higher energy output that allowed it to generate a "stealth field" around itself. Actually, I just made that up. I've got no back story for this guy except that I love seeing prototypes of toys, specially during the pre-painting stage wherein everything is just painted gray and I was actually planning on just painting this kit with primer gray. But then again, just one shade of gray is too boring so I opted to hand-paint the other shades of gray and added blue as an accent color. This kit is amazing articulation. There are tons of poses you can pull off this one. Also, the seams are very well hidden, in fact they are so few that it made this kit one of my fastest builds to date. I used Bosny Primer Gray for the main gray parts and for everything else Reeves Artist Acrylics that I hand-painted...

1/144 Zaku Amazing Build Update

A friend of mine gave me this Zaku Amazing for Christmas and I was really excited to build it because it was a souped up Zaku, and Zakus are always nice! I've already built a Garma Zabi Zaku II and was expecting a similar build for this one but to my surprise almost all of the parts were different. For starters, there is waist articulation on the Amazing, something that was not available on the older HGUC Zakus. I also feel that the overall proportions are better for this guy and with the added armor and weapons this feels more grunt and modern. Some things I did not like with this kit were the elbow joints and the added thingies on the inner calf armors. The former does not separate from the forearm, meaning if you plan on spray painting this kit you will have to do some masking. I hate masking,  and so I decided to go with a scheme that will not require me to do so. The latter calf stuff protrudes too far inside the legs that the Zaku cannot stand straight so I nipp...

1/144 Gaia Gundam Part II

Here's part II of the Gaia shoot. At this stage I am beginning to consider getting myself a new camera, or better lighting gear. I'm still using my trusty Canon Powershot A1100, a 5 year old point and shoot, and a soft box that I place near a window in my studio. I do not have good lighting but I find that sunlight is enough for my needs, the only downside being that I cannot shoot at night.  Well, for obvious reasons, a DSLR would give me better photos. A decent lighting set-up, as opposed to two desk lamps that I used in my other shoots, would help me get better photos at night even with my current camera. But sadly, that's not very high on my current priority list... in fact I've been getting rid of some of my gadgets because I haven't been able to use them and a new cam would mean another gadget that I don't think I'd be able to maximize. But one thing's for sure, if my current one breaks I'd really get myself a DSLR. ...