1/144 Age Gundam Normal Part 2

Here's part II of the Gundam Age Normal shoot:

I should have uploaded this sooner but I have been swamped with work these past few weeks, as in really swamped with work. I'd say this is the busiest I have been since I started freelancing two years ago.

I'm not complaining though. God has been really faithful in this area of my life. He has continued to bless us with work and with really awesome clients to work with. 

Yeah, I know, not very Gundam related. But hey, it's what's going on with my life right now. One of the best gigs so far involves me designing and painting an underwater mech and designing a line of shirts to be released in Japan (or US, not quite sure). Hopefully I will be able to share the images here.

However, I haven't been able to update my other blog and my folio for the past months. I'm hoping that in the next few days though my schedule will be normal and I'd be able to paint and draw again for myself.

In the Gunpla world, I just finished working on the Zaku Amazing and snap-building an MG Heavy Arms. I think I may have to start shooting again as I have already finished 3 kits. 

That's it for now. I'm craving for something simple and fun to build so I'm planning on pulling out one of the old V Gundam kits I have in storage and hopefully get it done in about a couple of days.

Cheers guys and God bless!


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