1/144 Zaku Amazing Build Update

A friend of mine gave me this Zaku Amazing for Christmas and I was really excited to build it because it was a souped up Zaku, and Zakus are always nice! I've already built a Garma Zabi Zaku II and was expecting a similar build for this one but to my surprise almost all of the parts were different. For starters, there is waist articulation on the Amazing, something that was not available on the older HGUC Zakus. I also feel that the overall proportions are better for this guy and with the added armor and weapons this feels more grunt and modern.

Some things I did not like with this kit were the elbow joints and the added thingies on the inner calf armors. The former does not separate from the forearm, meaning if you plan on spray painting this kit you will have to do some masking. I hate masking,  and so I decided to go with a scheme that will not require me to do so. The latter calf stuff protrudes too far inside the legs that the Zaku cannot stand straight so I nipped mine off and the kit not only looks better but can also do more stable poses. I've also removed the tubes on the mech's waist as it impedes the kit's articulation in the midsection. 

I opted to have the missile launchers that were originally mounted on the back of the kit and over the shoulders moved to the legs as per the traditional Zaku missile launchers. In their original location it made the kit look hunched. I also decided not to use the antenna on the helmet as I wanted to make this kit to a grunt unit.

As you can see I have already primed the kit. Instead of using Tamiya Primers or Mr. Primer Surfacer from Gunze I decided to get this Sphero Automotive Lacquer Primer Gray (long name...). It costs Php190 or around $4.50 for 1 liter. It's way cheaper than branded stuff, dries really fast, can be thinned with normal lacquer thinners and is readily available where auto paint supplies are sold.This cannot be hand-brushed and as such an airbrush or a mini spray gun should be used, just remember that you need adequate ventilation when using these things and you're good to go. I'm thinking of using the traditional Zaku Green or the EFSF color scheme for this kit plus some weathering and I'm hoping to get this done in a week or so if my schedule permits.

I have been following very closely Gundam Build Fighters and I'd like to say that I really really am liking that series. It's cheesy and corny and pokes fun at gunpla builders, specially at the hard core fanatics and its all really just light. I've grown tired of Seed and Destiny's dramas and the seriousness of OO so Gundam Age and Build Fighters are both very refreshing for me.


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