1/144 Victory Gundam

This is the old Victory Gundam kit from the 90s that my brother gave me. He originally bought it, along with a GM from the same line, for himself to build but work got in his way and he had to give them both to me hehe :)

I got them maybe around 5 years ago and pulled them out of my stash a couple of months ago to work on. I messed up with the paints big time by not planning ahead. This was supposed to be a clean build but I got too excited and handled the parts when their paints were not yet fully cured and I ended up with chipped paint all over so I decided to go ahead and weather the kit.

Ok, so now I just realized that I forgot to take photos of the core fighter.

I also wanted to build this as the version with the big guns attached to the backpack but I broke off the pegs so I decided to just go ahead and build the simpler version instead, which, quite honestly, I liked more.

Notice that the rail gun does not come off. I also broke the handle for that part and am afraid that if I pulled the gun off the hand I might break it again. It's going to stay in his hands for a long time.

Working on this kit reminded me of my early days as a young gunpla builder. Way back then kits were cheap and you had to paint almost all of the details unlike today's more complex color molded kits. Somehow, I enjoyed the simplicity, and painting is always more fun than cleaning off nubs from too many parts.

Not that I'm complaining though, today's kits are awesome. I just do not really care too much for color molding the way Bandai does them because I almost always paint my kits and would rather get them cheap. But I understand that there are different levels of builders and collectors and Bandai aims to appeal also to those who have no intention of painting their gunplas and I totally am cool with that.

The weather here in Manila is keeping me from painting my MG Wing, but once I get hold of some lacquer flo I think I'd be able to paint indoors again.


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